
I’m not interested in when people become successful.
I’m interested in what made them successful.
Michael Eisner (Denison 1964), former Chairman & CEO of The Walt Disney Company

You will find our diverse membership involved in many clubs and organizations at the University. Our brothers leave their mark on and off Grounds in many ways. Some are subtle by way of philanthropic contributions and University societies. Others are indelible because of their leadership and impact well beyond graduation. You can find a list of some of our notable alumni here.

When you enter the engineering library in Clark Hall, you set foot in the namesake of Charles L. Brown (Virginia 1943). An electrical engineer and WWII veteran who served on the battleship USS Mississippi, Charles Lee Brown rose through the ranks of AT&T, ultimately serving as chairman and CEO of the company during one of the most significant corporate restructurings in US history. His legacy is cemented at the University because of the vision and generosity of his late wife, Ann Lee Saunders Brown, who endowed the library and Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, as well as established a Jefferson scholarship.

Cadets in Army ROTC will learn about First Lieutenant Norman T.S. Flecker (Virginia 1996), who died in a helicopter crash in the line of duty in South Korea. The Cavalier Battalion presents an award in his memory to a cadet “who has provided leadership and inspiration to others through his or her unmatched selflessness, work ethic and integrity.” Like Norman and many brothers before him, our members continue to answer the call to service in our armed forces, as well as law enforcement and intelligence.

Hundreds of brothers continue to add to our chapter’s story. Below you’ll find the current undergraduate members, who are making their own mark on the Virginia Chapter of Delta Upsilon.



Jackson Baitinger
Randolph Beales
Benjamin Berrett
Justin Carminucci
Chris Davis
Saahil Dutta
Carter Harmon
Samuel Herrington
Benjamin Jackson
J.P. Jarratt
Kevin Kelley
Alex Maniatis
Aidan McGowan
Will Pomeroy
Aiden Ricci
Will Rosser
Cooper Yurish


Michael Ackley
Will Anaya
Will Ashton
Luke Benham
Thomas Blanchard
Justin Carroll
Kam Colvin
Miles Crosby
Tyler Elrod
Tyler Ezell
Mark Graff
Parker Hutchinson
David Kumar
Ethan Kuzneski
Duncan MacGillvray
Sean McDermott
Noah Moyer
Conor Murphy
Caleb Parnell
Jack Penney
Jacob Renner
Jacob Swisher
Mitchell Thomas
David Underwood



Harris Agnew
Will Bergman
Andrew Bolfek
William Davis
Jack Delp
Alex DeStephanis
Ethan Liu
Naveen Logachandar
Andrew Ludwikowski
William Rich
Nick Sharrer
Max Thomson
Adam Xu
Lucas Banerji
CJ D’Virgilio
Armand Muhametaj
Quay Parrott
Dan Sweeney
Ben Szalankiewicz
Mohamed Idris
Matthew Swierczewski

Spring 2022 Initiates