More than 1,000 living chapter members.

Check out where we’re from and where we’re at.

News & Highlights


Robbie Lee ’11 and band Mystery Friends nominated for Best Pop Song and Best Pop Group/Artist in annual DC Whammies music awards.


Daniel LeFrancois ’85 earns top ratings from Sommelier Challenge, Wine Enthusiast for another California Zinfandel.

Jeffrey W. Eveland ’90 recognized in Forbes “Best-in-State Wealth Advisors” of Virginia for third year straight.

Chip Ransler ’01, UVA professor and founder of Husk Power Systems, joins board of non-profit Forge (formerly HackCville).

Benjamin Brunjes ’05, professor at Univ. Washington, featured in CNBC article for study on implications of government contracting practices.

Ben Ball, MD ’11 published in The BMJ’s Stroke and Vascular Neurology, highlighting research as UC Irvine resident.

Jonathan DiLorenzo ’13 earns PhD from Cornell Department of Computer Science, contributed research to project backed by AT&T, DARPA.

Michael Booker ’15 named fellow at Global Island Partnership following Peace Corps service in Micronesia, Pacific Islands.


John Connaughton ’87 and wife, Stephanie, gift $5 million to McIntire School of Commerce, launching new investing initiative.

John Byrnes ’07 releases The Train, an independently produced double album by the John Byrnes Band.


Robert Thorwarth, MD ’09 recognized by Baltimore Magazine as a top doctor in anesthesiology.

Peter Schleckman ’17 renews volunteer assignment with Peace Corps in Africa, heads to Mozambique to support health services promotion.


Amadeo Bennetta ’04 featured in MOMA exhibit on displacement and shelter, highlighting award-winning school design for migrant refugees.

Thomas Bannard ’06 delivers TedX Talk “Moving Towards Societal Recovery,” draws on experience serving RVA.

Mike Minneman ’11, US Navy officer and MH-60R pilot, presents at Navy Recruiting District San Antonio’s Educators Orientation Visit.

Jasdev Singh ’15 interviewed by Featured Follow on Medium, discusses benefits of self-reflection, continuous learning, fitness and tech.

Steve Bonitatibus ’15 releases third album, To Bloom, to Wither, featuring nod to DU brother.


Brotherhood Notes

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Harold Laubscher ’50

I am enjoying retirement, doing some volunteer work, traveling and staying in touch with friends, brothers, et al.

Submitted in 2010

Bill Reusing ’62

I now live in C’ville and saw where Tim Ferneyhough lives in Orange. I graduated in ’62, Tim in ’63. Would like to make contact with him.

Merry Christmas to all DU’s and their families. I just became a grandpa again on Monday (Dec. 20), the second child of our daughter (UVA ’02) and son-in-law (UVA ’02, who was a Beta and Jeff Scholar). They are now living in C’ville as well.

Submitted in 2010

Note: Bill passed away in Charlottesville on April 4, 2019, at the age of 78.

Dal Ferneyhough ’63

Since his time in the DU house at UVA, the Rev. Dr. Dallam G. Ferneyhough (known as Tim while at UVA) has acquired four academic degrees, had an exciting career as a systems engineer for IBM, lived in mainland China for three years, and become an Anglican priest. This past November, he and his wife Denise moved from near Pittsburgh, PA to Orange, VA, where Dal has become the Vicar of the Anglican Fellowship in Orange. After a 45-year absence, Dal is enjoying being a Virginian again. He hopes to be able to make frequent visits to the UVA grounds. He would love to hear from DUs who were at UVA with him in the early 1960s.

Submitted in 2010

William F.C. Marlow Jr. ’66

Enjoyed watching the Virginia-Hopkins lacrosse game with other “Old Hoos” while listening to my classmates talk of retirement. I’m taking our 8 year old son, Price, to school. Just returned from running our bird dog in a field trial in France, brought home a trophy bigger than the dog. Rich Solli, where are you?

Submitted in 2010

Jack Goff ’71

Have officially retired after spending the majority of my career at Wells Fargo based out of Charlotte, NC. I am enjoying retirement and look forward to catching up with some of my brothers soon.

Submitted in 2020

David H. Worrell, Jr. ’73

As a former President of Virginia DU (when we were on Chanceller Street), I extend my congratulations on the successful move. I am proud of you.

Submitted in 2010

Jim Walters ’74

Beautiful house! Got a great tour and chatted w/ Rick Simons on move in day. Congratulations!

Currently enjoying lots of time in C-ville as my daughter Jacquie (Echols, Film and Theater Performance, 2011) lives on the Lawn. Had some terrific tailgates this fall! Son Jim about to get an MDA from ODU, undergrad from JMU.

Personally, I’m an American Airlines B767 Captain and Check Airman, but looking forward to retirement after 35 years with Ozark, TWA and now AA.

Submitted in 2010

Tom Neale ’74

My 35th reunion is this year, and I still remember moving into 180 Rugby Road from Chancellor’s Street the summer of 1973. Led by Rick Simon ’75 and many other able Architecture School majors, we totally redid the house, and had the best looking frat on the Grounds. Good to see the new generation returning the old house to its former glory.

On a personal note, I just left banking after 30 years, and joined a Baltimore middle market, private equity firm. Great to NOT wear a suit, work with guys whom I know and trust, and not worry about getting laid off due to some other division’s mistakes. It’s about as close to “security” as you can get today. I also have my 30th wedding anniversary this September. Have 3 daughters – a junior @ the Univ. of Richmond, a junior in high school, and one in 8th grade. Keeps me young (at least mentally), frantic…and broke.

Best to all my fellow DU’s, and congrats to the current crop of DU men. Looks like you guys are doing a hell of a job.

Submitted in 2009

Chuck Napier ’81

After several decades in Atlanta, I moved north to New Hope, PA recently. Tired of traffic as well as the corporate work scene. Now live near the Delaware river where I can bike, hike, kayak, float or play frisbee golf to get outdoors. Been a serial entrepreneur and starting a new business called LegacyStories to help people share their life’s values, lessons, and traditions with their family. Hope to make it back to Cville post-Covid.

Submitted in 2021

Rip Gerber ’85

At 62, Rip makes his country debut with “Three-Chord Town,” an introspective single that celebrates his lifelong devotion to music and passion for storytelling. Accompanied by an official music video, the song is a poignant mix of raw reflection and a universally resonant anthem, capturing the ache of lost love, the journey of reclaiming life, and the emotional weight we carry along the way.

Link to music and video:

Submitted in 2025

Matt Peterson ’97

I am currently living in Louisville, KY working as a urologist. I got married in June 2008, and things are going well. While I’m sad to see the old 180 Rugby Road go along with a lot of memories, the new house looks great.

Submitted in 2010

Brandon A. Kemp ’05

I graduated in 2005 and have been living in Charlottesville ever since. I currently work as a research specialist in the lab of Dr. Robert Carey, who is a cardiovascular endocrinologist.

Submitted in 2010

John Byrnes ’07

Always having a talent for music, John Byrnes ’07 is now the lead guitarist for the Charlottesville-based band, Sweetbriar. You have probably heard him around at fraternity/sorority venues as well as several bars along the corner. Shout out a song, and he may play your tune.

Submitted in 2010

Frank Clark ’07

I currently work at Eglin AFB in the panhandle of FL. I’m a test engineer on the A-10 Warthog. I get to travel a lot around the country for work, but get to come back to FL and enjoy the beach.

Submitted in 2009

Mike Miller ’07

After graduating from UVA with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and a Bachelor of Urban and Environmental planning, I worked a year at an architecture firm in Richmond, VA. I decided it was time to go back to school for Real Estate Development after that year, deciding I had bigger plans than architecture. After weighing my options, I decided to attend Texas A&M University to get my Masters in Real Estate and Land Development. I am in the 2nd semester of a 2 year program and enjoying the physical and financial approach to development as it combines my creative and entrepreneurial approaches to life. Hopefully riding out the current real estate market in graduate school I will eventually land a job in the development field, concentrating on urban redevelopment and revitalizing the inner cities of America while making it a lucrative venture. Currently I do not know where I am going to relocate post graduate school but am considering Virginia, TX.

Submitted in 2009

Patrick Cassidy ’08

Last August after returning from Europe, Patrick Hanlon ’08, and I moved into the house in Arlington, VA known as the Brozone. This house was formerly inhabited by Tim Harkin ’06, Dan Baciuska ’06, James Rhodes ’05 and Steve Jones ’06. Highlighting our first few months in our new residence were our Holiday Party and our House Warming party, both of which were attended by over 20 DU alums.

In October, I started my job working in Reston, VA for Elzly Technology Corporation. We are a small start-up consulting firm. We have several defense contracts in the areas of Corrosion Mitigation and Materials Science. So far I am enjoying my time in D.C. immensely.

Submitted in 2009

Austin Lacey ’08

After Final Exercises and graduation ceremonies, six brothers decided to partake in a Euro-Trip over the summer of 2008. The trip took us all over Europe, some highlights being Germany, Ireland, Belgium, and Amsterdam. It was a great way to be together one last time before heading off our separate ways.

Submitted in 2009

Hunter Reed ’10

Wrapped up the summer of 2010 by completing my second Ironman event (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run). Now working at Competitor Group Inc, which is a world leader in endurance sports media, marketing, and management. If any of you Ducks make it out to San Diego be sure to look me up.

Submitted in 2010

Max Kremenchugskiy ’10

Graduated 2010. Live in Virginia Beach. Married in 2014 and have 2 boys Luca and Lev. Currently in construction management building a bridge in North Carolina. Would be glad to reconnect with any brothers in the area.

Submitted in 2021

Paul M. Hodskins ’12

After spending the 2010s in the DC area and overseas, I now call Leesburg home and look forward to planting roots in Loudon County. My parents moved from Massachusetts to Crozet in 2019, adding to Cville’s special status as a second home. With my brother (Engineering ’17) in Arlington and sister in Warrenton, I’m very lucky to have family nearby. In 2018, I earned a master’s degree at the US Naval War College in Newport, RI, where I also happened to propose to my wife, Katie. Easily one of the best years of my life. I’ve kept close to a number of brothers from the classes of 2011 and 2012, especially those near DC. Looking forward to reconnecting with other alumni and meeting new Ducks in the coming years.

Submitted in 2021